


My roommates and I had the wonderful privilege of adopting a 9 week old kitten, now 5 months old, from another college student earlier this fall. They previous owner named her Nala and we decided we loved it and wouldn't change it! My roommate that is her official owner LOVES Disney movies and our sorority mascot is a lion so having a little orange kitty named after the lioness from Lion King was purrrfect for us =) 

Nala's nicknames: Spider Kitty and Baby Girl
DOB: May 16, 2013
Favorite toy: a pole with a stuffed animal and jingle bells hanging off it
Favorite place to sleep: on top of the couch, closest to the window in the living room
Least favorite thing (pre-spaying): being held
What is Nala known for? Her ugly meow and being a rascal between 5-6am
Who does she sleep with? Brittany and Megan--mostly Megan

Nala is a beautiful little kitty with a bushy tail and long ear hairs. She used to be a little shit all the time before she was de-clawed and spayed. But really, she was a shit. She would claw the furniture and us because she didn't like to be held, but we always tried anyway knowing one day she would give in and love us! She got her first nickname, Spider Kitty, from crawling up the couches and ottoman by her claws and pulling her self around the base of the ottoman on her back! It was always funny to watch her. We played with a laser  pointer and she would chase it all day! Sprinting back and forth from one side of the apartment to the other, up the wall, sliding across the tile! She was hilarious! We love playing with her! As much as Baby Girl loved to play, she hated to cuddle! If it wasn't on her terms, she wasn't interested at all. She needed to be on her own surface and not super close to you and you better not expect to hold her for more than 10 seconds without her jumping out of your arms or scratching at you. We read on the internet that once kittens are spayed they become more cuddly and loving. We were a little skeptical that, that much of a personality change could come from a surgery but sure enough since she was spayed 2 weeks ago all she wants to do is sit in your arms and be snuggled! 

We are so happy we finally have a cuddly, loving baby! I kept thinking it was just her pain medication keeping her so mellow and as soon as we ran out she would be stand-offish again--nope! Its also wonderful now that she has her claws removed, we can play with her more now and hold her without getting nasty cuts all over our hands and arms. We were instructed by the vet to take it easy and not play too hard with her while she was recovering so I'm excited to make her jump and race all over the apartment after her toys! 

Its pretty amazing how much she runs our apartment and has us all wrapped around her little paw. She has more toys than any kitty should ever have or could play with! She has free roam of the apartment and has her special spots. One time a roommate was sitting in her spot and Nala didn't like it so she meow'd her ugly little meow and Steph immediately goes, "I know, I know, I'm moving Nala!" gets up, and moves to the opposite side of the apartment while Nala does a little circle and nestles into the couch. Spoiled. When Nala sleeps with me, I try to be as careful as I can not to move my feet into her way and disturb her... =/ When David comes to visit he brings her even more stuff from Target! The last time he visited he brought her a soft kitty bed with fake mink fur flaps to snuggle in--Yeah. She has just stole our hearts, looking for her is the first thing we look for when we come home and the last thing we do before we leave. We love her soo much! 

I posted 4 of my favorite videos of Nala below, check them out!
Summer is over, even if it doesn't feel like it! All of this humidity and crazy heat needs to go away! Either way school is back in session. I've been at the daycare now for 5 months and I've only worked in one room--my 3's. I love them! They are such a fun age, always saying or doing something funny. Even through their tattle tailing and tears, I love spending my days with them! Over the summer, I've gotten to know the kids even better and vise versa, they expect me in class everyday and when I come in the afternoon they are asking where I am--precious, I know! 

Two weeks ago more than half of my 3's moved to the 4 year old room and we transitioned up the 2's along with a few new kids. It's a whole new dynamic but I am thankful I get to see my new 4's outside on the playgroup. Watching them behave and adapt to the new room, teacher, and rules makes me feel like a proud parent! I know they are going to grow up and be a great group of people someday and it makes me wish I could be around to see them in high school and how far they'll go.

It is really crazy how fast time flies, here I am beginning my 5th year at UNI and my last year as a graduate student. It doesn't seem all that long ago I was getting moved into the Quads and trying to squeeze a loveseat up 4 flights of stairs. My time at UNI has been wonderful, I am so thankful for the opportunities I've had and the people I've met. I learned early on to not waste any time and take advantage of the opportunities in front of me. I joined Alpha Delta Pi and found my closest friends and roommates, traveled abroad for an entire summer, found a career path I love with mentors who are passionate about what they do, and experienced college life to the fullest. Looking back at all my memories at this university, I can't pin point any one favorite time because so many stand out to me. I really am one lucky girl. 

Now that I've got my amazing roommates, a cozy apartment, and the first semester of grad school under my belt; I'm ready to take on my last year on campus--and enjoying every second of it! 
Almost immediately after I posted my first ever blog, 2 of our fire alarms started chirping creating this huge ordeal with my roommates trying to quiet it. We've been on and off the phone with our landlord for days trying to get some of our deposit back from the previous lease and trying to get maintenance here to fix our long list of broken items which I'll get to in a bit. For a solid hour we were standing on chairs, pushing and pulling trying to quiet these alarms! After several phone calls to boyfriends, fathers, and the always helpful landlords, we finally got it to stop chirping! 

The aftermath of the fire alarms: wine coolers, several threats to move out for the night, new hall way light, and disheveled bedrooms. 

Maintenance List: broken closet door, kitchen flickering light, washing machine, non-latching bedroom door, scolding hot shower, and an overflowing toilet. 

Usually we would say we love our apartment but these little mishaps are starting to pile up. 

Landlords, get on this please! 

Brightside: My roommates are pretty amazing and we can laugh through all of the problems!  AND Maintenance Man is coming tomorrow, hopefully!